7 Sep, 2021

Electric Vehicles have been a thing for a few hundred years

  It was a few years back when a vehicle powered with a battery came out as a result of experiments. The innovation which took […]

10 Aug, 2021

Best electric scooters in India 2021

  India is now the world’s third-largest emitter of carbon dioxide. The research estimates that CO2 emission in India grew about 1.8% in 2019. India […]

21 Jul, 2021

Rajasthan government declared SGST reimbursement encouraging the EV switch in country

The rising fuel prices in the country are resulting in a huge switch to electric vehicles. Besides that, many state governments are declaring new or […]

17 Jul, 2021

India’s revolutionary moves creating a new EV landscape in the country

As the new EV Policy in the state of Maharashtra provides multiple benefits for electric vehicle buyers and also a few incentives and benefits regarding […]

11 Jul, 2021

Idling 101: How is your vehicle causing pollution standing ‘idle’ at the traffic signal?

“Idling” refers to running a vehicle’s engine when it’s not moving, for example waiting at a red light or while being stuck in traffic. Idling […]

24 Jun, 2021

Interest in EV Booms as Govt. Plans To Boost Sustainable Mobility through new EV policies

The recent announcements regarding electric vehicle incentives with rising fuel prices will prove to be the strong factors supporting the EV industry in near future. […]

18 Jun, 2021

Impact of FAME Phase II policies on Electric Vehicle manufacturers

The positive supposition and heightened interest of the government for electric vehicles were demonstrated through the expansion in the sponsorship under the “Faster Adoption and […]

7 Jan, 2021

Breathe Free Tomorrow, Ride An Electric Bike Today

Global Warming. We have all heard this term several times. Many of us also know what are the causes of this and for those who […]

10 Dec, 2020

How Electric Two Wheelers Can Make A Difference In The Environment

Here’s a fun fact, there is no planet ‘B’ if we screw this one up. And if independent as well as the government established research […]

6 Nov, 2020

Why Does India Need To Switch Quickly To Electric Vehicles?

India is a dynamic country in all senses. Talk about the economy, the people, their likes, their dislikes, everything is constantly changing. However, one thing […]